So let's figure this out, shall we!
"Figure what out?", you say. Let's figure out what are we doing here. A few would say that they know why they are here or have an inkling at least, others would say that they have no idea and the rest just don't care.
But who are we kidding? Everyone's here for self contentment. Dreams, ambitions and desires are just different ways to motivate and achieve it.
Ambitions to conquer the world, dreams to float in money, desires for spiritual acutalization or ownership are just a few examples. (Note that these are the paths to contentment but not necessarily those that will lead to it).
But pretty much everything falls into these categories.
Those who live for others find satisfaction in doing so. Same for those who die for others and same for who live for themselves. Everyone's loooking to get paid. With what? - that differs from person to person. Those who are forced to follow a different route are also looking for a payment. Those who have received it start looking for another one. And the cycle goes on.
In the course of history, which has been nothing but a quest, it is safe to assume that there are no pains or pleasures that have been felt by some which have not already been felt by others. There has been and will be a steady stream of friends and backstabbers, wars and ceasefires, loves and betrayals, retaliations and quiet fadings, ecstasies and rapid descents, regrets and nonchalances and so on.
So why does each person has to start from scratch to understand it and spend the whole life with varying degrees of success? Now to ask this very same question, the kid who was born yesterday will take another quarter of a century. But she will probably conclude where I would today. And she'll have no head start either.
So what is exactly that each one of us is doing here? (other than trying to make it or make it big or just taking it as it comes)
Sure we have found new places, laws of physics, better understanding of human culture and behavior and a lot more. But isn't it only logical in a quest to stumble upon the unknown?
On a broader scale, we are just re-living the lives which have already been lived by others, albeit in parts. Everything is only a new permutaion or a combination of what has been already out there. Only this time we have a name for it. It's called a happy life or a rotten life or a life of giving or a life full of achievements or whatever. No matter how someone's life was spent, it has been lived before, much of which, most of us can't understand.
What people don't understand and cannot foretell, they call it destiny and attribute it to 'God'.
What they do understand, they call it science and they are ready to show a proof for it.
While science questions 'God', it cannot eliminate this existence due to lack of proof. Although there is no proof to support the existence to begin with, the cause and effect relationship tells science that if this world exist, there has to be something that created it. Whether this creator (if exists) still controls its creation and its flora and fauna is debatable and out of scope of this writing (and my understanding).
This universe might have been a nerd's wildest creation that got out of hand, (seeing the state of this world) or it was just another of several programs that was abandoned because the funds ran out because the marketing gave it a thumbs down or it could be the only and the most wonderful creation that the community of the creator still cherishes. The universe could have been created by big bang or a small bang and the creatures evolved or suddenly appeared one fine day.
But it all comes back to the chicken and egg problem. One cannot have existed without the other, i.e. the world has to have something that created it and that creator has to have its own creator.
And those who couldn't figure out the chicken and egg problem, gave up on it and went to solve who/what created the world problem, the answer to which by the way, some of us already think they know. In either case, it still doesn't answer the question of our existence other than individual self-satisfaction.
So I'm back to square one. Exactly where all of us have been after centuries. It's a cycle. Those who think that they have found the beginning or end of the cycle are wrong because a cycle doesn't have any. Some would say it isn't even a cycle but this probably has been argued before during our existence. And we are doing it again. So it's a cycle.
So you see where I'm going with this? Probably not. But that's okay because neither do I. And logically speaking I wasn't supposed to know where I'm going because that's how this whole thing started in the first place.