Tuesday, August 15, 2006

59 years down the road

Let's see what I can number-crunch about independent India (not necessarily in order) from the top of my head.
Note: Veracity questionable!

2 countries formed.
1 big riot.
1 secular country.
3 colored flag.
562 provinces merged.
1 big dispute (Kashmir).
1 LOC.
0 first blood drawn.
3 bloody wars fought.
3 Gandhi assaninations.
3 times increase in population.
1 Cricket World Cup win.
10 previous years of growth.
1 big outsourcing hub.
27 -75% reservations.
1 denied CTBT.
2 nuclear tests.
15 official languages.
28 official states.
1 (or 2) communist state(s).
7 sister states.
1 Golden temple.
4 metropolitan cities.
4 name changes for metropolitan cities.
13-day government occurence.
5 internal resistances (ULFA, Naxalites, Mao rebels, JKLF, LTTE) -more have sprung up recently.
0 military coups.


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