"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away"
I don't remember having to mentally fight with myself to get out of bed when I was a kid and I had to wake up everyday at 7 in the morning to go to school. Now it's a war. It takes half hour to tell myself that waking up at 9 AM is my destiny.
This seems to be the biggest problem I have. Well, this and the fear of drowning in to the sky or getting hit by a hanging star that seems to be loyally suspende at the same place with me everyday.
But it's funny how people want to grow up only to realize that they were probably better off being a kid. Not that being a grown up necessarily stinks, but with time comes gradual erosion of innocence to which the growing child is oblivious. It seems that the saying - "Igonrace is bliss" - dictates our childhoods. You don't know much and you can't argue much and can't do much ado about nothing.
A little know-how and I want to butt my opinion in to any and all issues. For once I'd just like to listen to arguments and not feel like saying anything. Stay silent. If I want to say something I want to raise my eyebrows or frown my face or smoke my ears or mumble and whisper and twinkle or strickle tears down my eyes and touch or get away from being close.
But it seems that it'd be easier to do if I were a kid, now wouldn't it? :) Although, I find writing is the only way I can stay silent and shout.
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